Narrated by Robert Redford and produced by the Redford Center and Alpheus Media, FIGHTING GOLIATH: TEXAS COAL WARS follows the story of Texans fighting a high-stakes battle for clean air. The film introduces the unlikely partners — mayors, ranchers, CEOs, community groups, legislators, lawyers, faith groups, and citizens — that have come together to oppose the construction of 19 conventional coal-fired power plants that were slated to be built in Eastern and Central Texas and that were being fast-tracked by the Governor. Read more
The film has proven to be an important tool for educating and inspiring activists, business leaders, policymakers, lawyers, ranchers, teachers, doctors, students, and everyday citizens to get involved in stopping the rush to build conventional coal-fired power plants that use outmoded, polluting technology. Share the film with your community. Learn more
“The heart of this film is really about issues of health, future generations and the value of our own land and resources. The film was made to support the story of the Texas coalition and their struggle against a giant power company. It is our way of giving other states and communities a model for what can happen when people take personal responsibility and get results. We want to let people know that they don't have to give up hope.”
— Robert Redford
Learn more about where you can purchase the Fighting Goliath DVD online.
Covenant is a short film about people of faith from diverse religious traditions coming together to fight for clean air. Learn more